During the preliminary task we learnt that simple camera angles and shots are easy to edit together and make them fit in with each other.
In the filming and editing of your project, what worked well and what could hve been improved?
The cutting of the shots worked well, in a sense that it ran quite smoothly in the final cut of the movie, because we were using only one camera we had to be sure the walking and talking looked realistic and the veiwer would not be aware of the editing, this was alot harder than we first imagined, however the final cut appear's quite smooth, secondly we found that discoving camera angles and keeping the camera perfectly still meant the film was alot nicer for the veiwer to watch than a jumpy hand held film,
We think that perhaps the overall audio of the video, with the dialouge, seems to appear a little jumpy and perhaps a more smoother final cut would hav been looked alot better on the final cut.
Give a deatiled, specific example of how you have used a shot/reverse shot combination in your film.
During our preliminary task we used a shot reverse shot during the conversation between the two charcters. The camera begins over the shoulder of one of the actors and then then reverses to show the character speaking.
Give a detailed, specific example of how you achieved match cuts during the editing process.
When filming our preliminary task we achieved a match cut when the first charcter begins walking into the room. The camera shows the charcter entering the room and then match cuts to just after he has entered, and begins walking towards the camera
How did you make sure that you didn't break the 180 degree rule? Or if you broke it, what have you learned from this.
To make sure we did not break the 180 degree rule we, did not pass the line, we made sure that both the actors in the shot remained on the original side in which they appeared. we also controlled the actors to make sure they did not cross the line.
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